past conferences and public appearances
“Ökonomische Polarisierung in Europa” [Economic Polarization in Europe]
Invited Talk, Zentrum für Schulqualität und Lehrerbildung, November 2024
“Pluralism in Economics”
Invited Talk, University of Cologne, October 2024
“Woher kommt das Geld?” [Where does the money come from?]
Participant at the closing event for the exhibition “What’s the money for?“ Klocker Museum, Hall in Tirol, October 2024
“Orthodox vs. Heterodox understandings of wealth dynamics"
Invited Talk at the SummerSchool „Wealth Inequality Research in Africa“, Makerere University (Kampala, Uganda), September 2024
“The climate crisis from a pluralist perspective”
Keynote at the pluralumn conference, University of Duisburg-Essen, August 2024
“Ökonomische Polarisierung in Europa” [Economic Polarization in Europe]
Invited Talk, Zentrum für Schulqualität und Lehrerbildung, June 2024
“Pluralism in Economics”
Invited Talk, University of Cologne, December 2023
“Modeling power laws in economics?"
Guest lecture at the University of Washington, Seattle, November 2023
„Why are there so many power laws in economics?”
Keynote at the der Young Economists Conference, Linz, October 2023
"Can a European wealth tax close the green investment gap?”
Invited Talk at the Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, September 2023
„Heating up houses instead of the climate: A transparent and realistic pathway for transforming the German housing sector.”
Presentation at the annual conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE), Leeds, September 2023
„Pluralism in Economics"
Invited Talk, University of Zürich, September 2023
„Wirtschaft anders denken! Was ist plurale Ökonomik? [Rethinking the economy – The contribution of pluralist economics]
Invited Talk at the ZSL Baden-Württemberg, February 2023
„Pluralismus in der Ökonomie (und die Klimafrage)“ [Pluralism in economics – an application to climate change]
Invited Talk at the Heinrich Böll Stiftung, online, November 2022
„Pluralismus in der Ökonomie: Philosophische Perspektiven“ [Pluralism in Economics: Philosophical Perspectives]
Invited Talk at the University of Bochum, October 2022
„Socio-ecological transition for the sustainable development of well-being”
Invited Talk at the occasion of the 5th Trade Union related Economists Conference (TUREC), Athen, November 2022
„Wirtschaft anders denken! Was ist plurale Ökonomik? [Rethinking the economy – The contribution of pluralist economics]
Invited Talk at the ZSL Baden-Württemberg, September 2022
“The authors of economic journals revisited: evidence from a large-scale replication of Hodgson and Rothman (1999)”
Presentation at the Annual conference Society for the Advancements of Socio-Economics (SASE), July 2022
„Pluralismus in der Ökonomie: Philosophische Perspektiven“ [Pluralism in Economics: Philosophical Perspectives]
Invited Talk at the research seminar of the Departmant of Philosophy at University of Duisburg-Essen, June 2022
„Das Menschenbild moderner Ökonomie“ [The image of man in modern economics]
Invited Talk at the University of Vienna, May 2022
“Konzernmacht in globalen Güterketten” [Corporate power in global value chains]
Invited Talk at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, May 2022
„Dilemmata marktliberaler Globalisierung“ [Dilemmas of market-liberal globalization]
Invited Talk at the conference „Globalisierungs- und Wachstumsgrenzen“ [Limits of Globalization and growth], Evangelischen Akademie Tutzing, March 2022
„Pluralism in economics (and the role of heterodoxy)”
Invited Talk, University of Durham, February 2022
“The micro-macro link in heterodox economics”
Invited Talk at the University of Tübingen, November 2021
"(How) can heterodox economics inform the study of institutions?"
Invited Talk as a part of the workshop „Institutions” at the University Graz, October 2021
“What is heterodox economy?”
Invited Talk at the University of The Hague, October 2021
“Pluralism in economics”
Invited Talk at the University of Zuerich, October 2021
“Structural Change in times of increasing openness”
Invited Talk at the conference “Six Decades of the Past, Six Decades of the Future, Centre of the International Relations of the University of Ljubljana, October 2021
“A European Wealth Tax? – Context, methods, revenues”
Presentation at the conference “Fiscal Matters”, European Parliament, Brussels. September 2021
“The Authors of Economics Journals Revisited: Evidence from a Large-Scale Replication of Hodgson & Rothman (1999)”
Presentation at the annual conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE), online, September 2021
“A European Wealth Tax”
Invited Talk at the S&D FISC Working Group on Wealth Tax, September 2021
“Tracing the invisible rich: The rank correction approach to inferring tails in survey data”
Presentation at the conference of the European Economic Association, online, August 2021
“The Authors of Economics Journals Revisited: Evidence from a Large-Scale Replication of Hodgson & Rothman (1999)”
Presentation at the annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), online, July 2021
Panel debate on "Intangible Flow theory in Economics"
Participant in a penal debate at the annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), online, July 2021
“Heterodox Economics and Economic Criticism”
Invited Talk, DFG Research Network on Economic Criticism, online, July 2021
“Conversations for the Future of Europe”
Participant in panel discussion at the European University Institute on the future of taxation in Europe, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, online, May 2021
“Pandemic pushes polarization: Macroeconomic divergence in the Eurozone”
Invited Talk, Käte Hamburger Kolleg, online, April 2021
„Past and future of pluralism in economics“
Invited Talk, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Carribean (ECLAC), online, January 2021
“Finanzialisierung und globale Ungleichheit” [Financialization and Global Inequality]
Invited Talk, University of Wien, online, December 2020
"Past and future of pluralism in economics“
Invited Talk, University of Cambridge, online, November 2020
"“Which are the most inspiring economic questions of our time?”
Invited Talk, INET-YSI-Konferenz, online, November 2020
"Refeudalisierung als Gefahr für die Demokratie" [How refeudalization endangers democracy]
Keynote at the Armutskonferenz, Salzburg, March 2020.
"Was ist heterodoxe Ökonomie" [What is heterodox economics?]
Invited Talk at the University of Vienna, Vienna, March 2020.
"Solidarität" [Solidarity]
Participant in a panel discussion at Ö1, Vienna, December 2019.
"Der Feind im Inneren - Das alte Dilemma des Liberalismus" [The Enemy inside - the old dilemma of liberalism]
Keynote at the 18th IT- & Consulting Day organized by Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Vienna, December 2019.
"Wirtschaftliche Polarisierung in Europa" [Economic Polarization in Europe]
Invited Talk at the Wirtschaftskammer Kärtnen, December 2019.
"Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung der Wissenschaft" [Social Responsibility of Science]
Presentation at the FES Berlin, Berlin, November 2019
“Economic Polarization in Europe”
Presentation at the conference Momentum19: Widerspruch, Hallstatt, October 2019.
"Structural change in time of increasing openness: assessing path dependency in European economic integration“
Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the German Economic Association, Leipzig, September 2019.
"Convergence and Polarization Dynamics in Europa and globally“
Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the European Association for Evolutionary Economy (EAEPE), Warsaw, September 2019.
"Economics & Philosophy“
Pre-Conference Workshop at the Annual Meeting of the European Association for Evolutionary Economy (EAEPE), Warsaw, September 2019.
“Der Feind im Inneren: Das alte Dilemma des Liberalismus“ [The enemy within and the liberal dilemma]
Invited Talk at the Top Management Symposium „Open Society and its enemies“, Udine, May 2019.
"Development and globalization: a pluralist perspective"
Keynote at the 2nd Vienna conference on pluralism in economics, Vienna, April 2019.
"Philosophy and economics“
Invited Presentation at „Still Rethinking? The Need for pluralism in economics“, London, March 2019.
"The future of pluralism in economics“
Invited Presentation at „Still Rethinking? The Need for pluralism in economics“, London, March 2019.
"Pluralist and interdisciplinary research in academic economics“
Participant in panel discussion at the GSÖBW-Meeting, Duisburg, February 2019.
"The focus of academic economics: before and after the crisis“
Presentation at the FMM-Konferenz, Berlin, October 2018.
"Why and how do we need to rethink development?“
Invited Presentation at the UN-ECLAC Conference „Development in Transition", Santiago de Chile, October 2018.
"Neoliberalismus: Theorie, Geschichte, Alternativen“ [Neoliberalism: Theory, History, Alternatives]
Invited Talk at the Institut für Gesellschaftspolitik, Ossiach, September 2018.
"The Kaldor paradox revisited: New evidence in times of increasing openness“
Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the European Association for Evolutionary Economy (EAEPE), Nice, September 2018.
"Structural change in time of increasing openness: assessing path dependency in European economic integration“
Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the European Association for Evolutionary Economy (EAEPE), Nice, September 2018.
"Widersprüche in der Ökonomie“ [Economic Contradictions]
Invited Talk at the SOT-Summer Academy, Velden am Wörthersee, August 2018.
"Die Spaltung als Modell: Europas Zerfall als Krise der Wirtschaftstheorie" [European disintegration and the role of economic theory]
Invited Talk at the University of Tübingen, July 2018.
„Verteilungsgerechtigkeit im Familienrecht: Eine philosophische Perspektive“ [Distributional Justice in Family Law: A philosophical Perspective]
Invited Talk at Annual Meeting of the Association of Austrian Judges in Family Law, June 2018.
„Ökonomische Diskurse: Historische und philosophische Perspektiven“ [Discourses in Economics: Historical and philosophical Perspectives]
Invited Talk at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, April 2018
"Government policies and financial crises: Mitigation, postponement or prevention?" (with Bernhard Schütz)]
Presentation at the ASSA-conference in Philadelphia, January 2018
"Wissenschaftstheorie und Ökonomie" [Philosophy of Science and Economics]
Invited Talk at the University of Tübingen, December 2017.
"Citation metrics and research quality in economics”
Invited Talk at the conference of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) "Reawakening" in Edinburgh, October 2017.
"Wie plurale Ökonomik stärken?" [How to strengthen pluralist economics?]
Invited Talk at the occasion of awarding the Rothschild-Prize in Vienna, September 2017.
“Citation metrics and the development of economics”
Invited Talk at the Workshop “Towards a Post-Foundational Economics?” hosted by the Luigi Einaudi Foundation, Turin, September 2017.
"Agenten, Auktionen, Ausschreibungen: Von Nobelpreisen und Vergabeverfahren" [On auctions and competitive tendering]
Invited Talk at the Austrian Parliament, September 2017.
"The Political Economy of Bank Regulatory Evasion”
Invited introductory Talk at Vienna International Summer-School on Bank Regulatory Evasion, September 2017.
"Globalization and Free Trade"
Participant in a panel-discussion at the European Forum Alpbach, August 2017.
"Wissenschaftstheorie und Ökonomie" [Philosophy of Science and Economics]
Invited Talk at the University of Bochum, May 2017.
"Verteilungstendenzen im globalen Kapitalismus. Eine plurale Perspektive." [Distributional tendencies in contemporary capitalism - a pluralist perspective]
Invited Talk at the University of Halle, May 2017.
"Economics and Philosophy: Models and PLuralism"
Invited Talks at the University of Frankfurt, April 2017.
"Paradigm lost? Herausforderungen der Ökonomik nach der Krise" [Paradigm lost? Challenges to economics after the crisis]
Invited Talk at the University of Kassel, April 2017.
"Pluralist and heterodox economics: Conceptual clarification and exemplary applications"
Invited Talk at a COST-Workshop hosted the University of Galway (Ireland), March 2017.
"Was ist heterodoxe Ökonomie?" [What is heterodox economics?]
Invited Talk at the University of Innsbruck, December 2016.
"Citation metrics and the development of economics"
Invited Talk at the Amiens, December 2016.
"Selbstverwirklichung vs. Selbstoptimierung: Das ambivalente Erbe der Aufklärung" [Purpose vs. Performance: The ambivalent heritage of the enlightenment]
Invited Talk at the fifth international Hartheim-conference in Schloss Hartheim, November 2016.
"Die Spaltung als Modell: Europas Zerfall als Krise der Wirtschaftstheorie" [European disintegration and the role of economic theory]
Invited Talk at the University of Leipzig, November 2016.
"The performativity of potential output: Pro-cyclicality and path-dependency in coordinating European fiscal policies"
Talk at the annual conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE), Manchester, November 2016.
"Epistemology of Economics"
Invited Workshop: PreConference-session at the annual conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE), Manchester, November 2016.
"The performativity of potential output: Pro-cyclicality and path-dependency in coordinating European fiscal policies"
Talk at the annual conference of the research network macroeconomics and macroeconomic policies (FMM), Berlin, October 2016.
"Spezialisierung, Stratifikation und internationale Wirtschaft" [Stratification in the international economy]
Talk at Momentum16: Power in Hallstatt, October 2016.
"Der Kapitalismus und die schöne neue Welt: Eine ambivalente Beziehung” [Capitalism and social progress]
Invited talk at the annual conference of upper Austria’s social service providers (Sozialplattform), October 2016.
"The performativity of potential output: Pro-cyclicality and path-dependency in coordinating European fiscal policies"
Talk at the Conference on Complex Systems (CCS) in Amsterdam, September 2016.
"The future of economic teaching"
Participant in a panel-discussion hosted at the annual conference of the German Economic Association, Augsburg, September 2016.
"Wissenschaftstheorie und Ökonomie" [Epistemology and Economics]
Invited Workshop at the conference on Pluralism in Economics by the Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK), Berlin, August 2016.
"Spezifische Aspekte ökonomischen Modelldenkens” [Specific aspects of economic modeling]
Invited Talk at the University of Vienna, April 2016.
"Panama Papers”
Participant in a TV-debate - “Talk im Hangar 7”/Servus TV, April 2016.
"The social philosophy of globalized markets”
Invited Talk at the University of Graz, April 2016.
“Wie liberal ist der Neoliberalismus?" [Is neoliberalism ‘liberal’?]
Talk invited by the Hans Böckler Foundation in Vienna, February 2016.
"Geschichte und Praxis der Austeritätspolitik [Austerity: History and Policies]
Workshop invited by the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (with Nikolaus Kowall) in Wiesbaden, February 2016.
"Humanistische Handelspolitik und inklusives Wachstum" [Civilized Trade and inclusive Growth]
Invited Talk at a workshop hosted by the Bertelsmann-Foundation in Berlin, January 2016.
"Ökonomische Forschung und die Finanzkrise" [Economic research and the financial crisis]
Talk at the winter-conference of the ICAE, December 2015.
"Pluralismus in der Ökonomie: Eine wissenschaftstheoretische Perspektive" [Pluralism in Economics: Perspectives from Philosophy of Science]
Invited Talk at the University of Tübingen, November 2015.
"Verteilungstendenzen im Kapitalismus: Globale und nationale Perspektiven." [Distributional Tendencies in Capitalism] (with Bernhard Schütz)
Presentation at Momentum15:Critique, Hallstatt, October 2015.
"Some implications of traditional philosophy for current economics"
Invited Talk – UN-ECLAC, Santiago de Chile, September 2015.
"Pluralism in Economics"
Invited Talk at the Universidad de Chile, September 2015.
"Piketty verstehen" [Understanding Piketty]
Workshop at the ICAE-Summer Academy, June 2015.
"Pluralismus in der Ökonomie: Eine wissenschaftstheoretische Perspektive" [Pluralism in Economics: Perspectives from Philosophy of Science]
Invited Talk at the University of Halle, June 2015.
"Pluralismus in der Ökonomie: Eine wissenschaftstheoretische Perspektive" [Pluralism in Economics: Perspectives from Philosophy of Science]
Invited Talk at the University of Erfurt, June 2015.
"Die Rolle pluraler Ökonomik in der ökonomischen Bildung” [Pluralist Economics and Economics Education]
Participation in a Panel Discussion at the University of Tübingen, May 2015.
"The crisis as a game changer? Der Einfluss der Krise auf die Entwicklung ökonomischer Forschung” [The crisis and the development of economic research]
Invited Talk at a conference on the OECD's "New Approaches to Economic Challenges"-Program hosted by the Austrian Bundeskanzleramt in Vienna, April 2015.
"Two perspectives on citation metrics in economics”
Invited Talk at the conference of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) "Egalite, Liberte, Fragilite" in Paris, April 2015.
"Krise der Wirtschaftswissenschaften – Chancen für eine plurale Ökonomik?” [The crisis in economics as an opportunity to introduce more pluralism?]
Invited Talk at the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), February 2015.
"Pluralism in Economics: Perspectives from Philosophy of Science"
Invited Talk at the University of Maastricht, February 2015.
"Beyond Foundations: Systemism in Economic Thinking”
Presentation at the ASSA-conference in Boston, January 2015.
"From free to civilised markets. First steps towards Eutopia." (with Bernhard Schütz and Dennis Tamesberger)
Presentation at the ASSA-conference in Boston, January 2015.
„Ranglisten und andere Evaluationskriterien – die Macht der Wissenschaftsstatistik” [Rankings and the power of statistics in science]
Invited Talk at the University of Hamburg, December 2014.
„Die Rückkehr des Rentiers. Ansichten zu Thomas Pikettys ‘Capital in the 21st century’“ [The return of the rentier. Perspectives on Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the 21st century”]
Invited Talk at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, November 2014.
"Pluralismus in der Ökonomie: Eine wissenschaftstheoretische Perspektive" [Pluralism in Economics: Perspectives from Philosophy of Science]
Invited Talk at the University of Göttingen, November 2014.
“Relevanz, Realität, Modelle. Was braucht die Ökonomie?” [Relevance, Realism, Models: How to improve economics?]
Participant in a panel discussion at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), October 2014.
"Pluralismus in der Ökonomie: Eine wissenschaftstheoretische Perspektive" [Pluralism in Economics: Perspectives from Philosophy of Science]
Invited Talk at the University of Hamburg, October 2014.
"Pluralismus in der Ökonomie: Eine wissenschaftstheoretische Perspektive" [Pluralism in Economics: Perspectives from Philosophy of Science]
Invited Talk at the University of Graz, October 2014.
"From free to civilised markets. First steps towards Eutopia." (with Bernhard Schütz and Dennis Tamesberger)
Presentation at Momentum14:Emancipation, Hallstatt, October 2014.
"From free to civilised markets. First steps towards Eutopia." (with Bernhard Schütz and Dennis Tamesberger)
Presentation at WINIR conference "Institutions that change the world", London, September 2014.
"Die Verteilung von Einkommen und Vermögen in Europa und International" [Distributional of wealth and income from a global perspective]
Invited Talk at the Austrian Chamber of Labor (AK), Linz, September 2014.
"Inequality before and after the Crisis"
Chair of a Session at the European Forum Alpbach, Alpbach, August 2014.
"Wie können alternative ökonomische Forschungsansätze an Universitäten gefördert werden?" [Alternative economic theories and their prospects within academia]
Participant in a panel discussion at the conference on Pluralism in Economics by the Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK), Berlin, August 2014.
"Wissenschaftstheorie und Ökonomie" [Epistemology and Economics]
Invited Workshop at the conference on Pluralism in Economics by the Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK), Berlin, August 2014.
"Dilemmata der Arbeit und die Frage der Arbeitszeit" [Dilemmas of work and the question of working hours]
Invited Talk at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), Vienna, May 2014.
"From free to civilised markets. First steps towards Eutopia." (with Bernhard Schütz and Dennis Tamesberger)
Presentation at the Progressive Economics Forum, European Parliament, Brussels, March 2014.
"Führt Pluralismus in der ökonomischen Theorie zu mehr Wahrheit?" [Would Pluralism increase the explanatory power of economic theory?]
Invited Talk at the ICAE-conference on "Knowledge? What Knowledge? Truth, Theory and Belief in Economic Theory" in Linz, December 2013.
"Vermögen in Österreich" [Wealth in Austria] (with Bernhard Schütz)
Invited Talk at the Austrian Statistical Society in Vienna, November 2013.
"Vermögen in Österreich" [Wealth in Austria] (with Bernhard Schütz)
Invited Talk at the Department of Economics at the University of Linz, November 2013.
"Debt, Boom, Bust: A theory of Minsky-Veblen Cycles" (with Bernhard Schütz)
Presentation at the EAEPE-Conference in Paris, November 2013.
"Pluralismus in der Ökonomie: Eine wissenschaftstheoretische Perspektive" [Pluralism in Economics: Perspectives from Philosophy of Science]
Keynote at the Hamburg conference on pluralist economics, October 2013.
"Debt, Boom, Bust: A theory of Minsky-Veblen Cycles" (with Bernhard Schütz)
Presentation at the FMM-Conference in Berlin, October 2013.
"What is Evolutionary Welfare?" (with Manuel Wäckerle)
Presentation at Momentum13:Progress in Hallstatt (A), October 2013.
"Fortschrittsdenken und Politische Vision" [On Progress and Politics] (with Georg Hubmann)
Presentation at Momentum13:Progress in Hallstatt (A), October 2013.
"Konzentration des Reichtums in Österreich" [The Distribution of Wealth in Austria] (with Bernhard Schütz)
Invited Talk at the Austrian Chamber of Labour, October 2013.
"Was ist Ökonomie?" [Economics - What's that?]
Panelist at the Conference "Was ist Ökonomie?" at Humbold University in Berlin, September 2013.
"Debt, Boom, Bust: A theory of Minsky-Veblen Cycles" (with Bernhard Schütz)
Presentation at the Conference "The Economy in Crisis and the Crisis in Economics" in Vienna, September 2013.
"Open Strategy between Crowd and Community: Lessons from Wikimedia and Creative Commons" (with Leonhard Dobusch)
Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 2013 (won the Carolyn Dexter Award for the Best International Paper).
“Vermögen in Österreich” [Wealth in Austria].
Appearance in the “Zeit im Bild 2”, Austria’s main news broadcast, August 2013.
"Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise: Wie den Kapitalismus zähmen?" [The economic crisis: How to tame capitalism?]
Invited Talk/Workshop at the Summer University 2013 organized by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) in Potsdam, July 2013.
"Debt, Boom, Bust: A theory of Minsky-Veblen Cycles" (with Bernhard Schütz)
Presentation at the 1st World Keynes Conference in Izmir, June 2013.
Heterodox United vs. Mainstream City? Sketching a framework for interested pluralism in economics."(with Leonhard Dobusch)
Presentation at the at the occasion of receiving the Egon-Matzner-Prize for socio-economic research in Vienna, June 2013.
"Debt, Boom, Bust: A theory of Minsky-Veblen Cycles" (with Bernhard Schütz)
Presentation at the ASSA-conference in San Diego, January 2013.
"Die Bedeutung von Pluralität in der Wissenschaft - Wesen, Erklärungsgegenstand und Ziel der Ökonomik" [The role of purality in science and the nature of economics]
Invited Talk at the University of Bayreuth, November 2012. (Watch)
"Heterodox United vs. Mainstream City? Sketching a framework for interested pluralism in economics." (with Leonhard Dobusch)
Presentation at the FMM-conference in Berlin, October 2012.
"Conspicuous consumption, inequality and debt: The nature of consumption-driven profit-led regimes." (with Bernhard Schütz)
Presentation at the FMM-conference in Berlin, October 2012.
"Die Regulation der Routine: Über die regulatorischen Spielräume zur Etablierung nachhaltigen Konsums" [Regulating Routines: Regulatory strategies as a means for establishing sustainable consumption] (with Bernhard Schütz and Dennis Tamesberger)
Presentation at Momentum12:Democracy in Hallstatt (A), September 2012.
"How Liberalism lost its concept of democracy." (with Stephan Pühringer)
Presentation at Momentum12:Democracy in Hallstatt (A), September 2012.
"Heterodox United vs. Mainstream City? Sketching a framework for interested pluralism in economics." (with Leonhard Dobusch)
Presentation at the joint conference of IIPPE, AHE and FAPE in Paris, July 2012.
"Household demand, income distribution and the sustainability of profit-led growth: Introducing conspicuous consumption in a (Post-)Keynesian model." (with Bernhard Schütz)
Presentation at the joint conference of IIPPE, AHE and FAPE in Paris, July 2012.
“Solidarität – Erkundungen zu einer Haltung” [Solidarity – Illuminating an attitude].
Appearance in the “Salzburger Nachtstudio”, a regular format on the radio-station Ö1. Listen to it here (German).
"Household demand, income distribution and the sustainability of profit-led growth: Introducing conspicuous consumption in a (Post-)Keynesian model." (with Bernhard Schütz)
Presentation at the Austrian Chamber of Labor (AK) in Vienna, February 2012.
"Household demand, income distribution and the sustainability of profit-led growth: A complementarity between Institutionalist and Keynesian views." (with Bernhard Schütz)
Presentation at the Austrian National Bank (ÖNB) on the occasion of the 90th birthday of Kazimierz Laski, December 2011.
"The Impossibility of Rational Consumer Choice: A Problem and its Solution" (with Bernhard Schütz and Stefan Steinerberger)
Presentation at the annual EAEPE-conference "Schumpeter´s Heritage - The Evolution of the Theory of Evolution" in Vienna, October 2011.
"Ökologische Ökonomie, Grüne Deals und Keynesianisches Denken: Komplementär oder Widersprüchlich?" [Ecological Economics, Green Deals and Keynesian Thought: complementary or antagonist?] (with Bernhard Schütz)
Presentation at Momentum11: Equality in Hallstatt (Austria), October 2011.
"Die Ökonomie als soziales Feld: Netzwerkeffekte, Zitationsrankings und Paradigmenwechsel" [Positive Feedback, Citation Rankings and Paradigm Change: Some Perspectives on the Sociology of Economics]
Invited Talk at the research seminar "socio-economic perspectives" hosted by the Vienna University of Technology, October 2011.
"Striking New Paths: Theory and Method in Path Dependence Research" (with Leonhard Dobusch)
Presentation at the 2nd international conference on path dependence in Berlin, March 2011.
"Was sind ökonomische Modelle?" [On economic modelling]
Presentation at the conference of the Sir Karl Popper Foundation in Klagenfurt, February 2011.
"Solidarisch Handeln: Konzeptionen, Ursachen und Implikationen." [Conceptions of Solidarity] (with Georg Hubmann)
Presentation at Momentum10: Solidarity in Hallstatt (Austria), October 2010.
"Citation metrics: serious drawbacks, perverse incentives and strategic options for heterodox economists"
Presentation at the ASSA-conference in Atlanta, January 2010.
"A guide to paradigmatic Self-marginalization - Lessons for Post-Keynesian Economists" (with Leonhard Dobusch)
Presentation at the conference of the research network macroeconomics and macroeconomic policy “The World Economy in Crisis – The Return of Keynesianism?” in Berlin, October 2009.
"Institutionalisierung zivilgesellschaftlicher Partizipation - Zwischen Ignoranz, Integration und Invasion" (with Leonhard Dobusch)
Presentation at Momentum09: Freedom (October 2009) in Hallstatt (Austria).
"Citation metrics and strategic options for heterodox economists"
Presentation at the Workshop "Assessing heterodox economics in a European context" in Bremen, June 2009.
"Neokonservativer Markt-Radikalismus und seine Folgen: Das Fallbeispiel Irak" [Neoconservative market-radicalism - the case of Iraq] (with Walter Ötsch)
Presentation at Momentum08: Justice in Hallstatt (Austria), September 2008.
"Politische Paradigmata und neoliberale Einflüsse am Beispiel von vier sozialdemokratischen Parteien in Europa" [Political Paradigms and Neoliberal Implications: The Example of Four Social-Democratic Parties in Europe] (with Jakob Huber)
Presentation at the KCTOS-conference "Knowledge, creativity and the transformation of societies", Section 2.9 „Der neoliberale Markt-Diskurs. Zur Kulturgeschichte ökonomischer Theorien im Alltagsdiskurs" [the neoliberal market discourse] in Vienna, December 2007.
"Why is Economics not an Evolutionary Science?"
Presentation at the „First Graz Schumpeter Summer School“ for post-graduate students in Graz (Austria), July 2007.